• September 30, 2023
  • Zoom

Are you ready to unlock a world of boundless potential, and embark on a journey that will transform your future?

Then, Australia is for you!

Australia, with its pristine landscapes, cutting-edge education, and vibrant multicultural society, is one of the best study destinations in the world. Beyond the high quality of education offered,  it is a place where dreams turn into achievements; where ambitions soar higher than ever before. And this masterclass is your key to this extraordinary world.

Imagine yourself studying in top-tier Australian universities, exploring diverse cultures, and building a global network of lifelong connections. Picture a future where your career prospects are limitless, where you’re not just learning but thriving in an environment that encourages innovation and excellence.

Today, you stand on the cusp of an exciting new chapter. This masterclass is designed to equip you with the knowledge, guidance, and confidence you need to turn your dreams into reality. Whether you’re a recent high school graduate, a working professional, or anyone in between, we’ve tailored this event to address your unique needs and aspirations.

What You’ll Learn

Course Selection: Find the ideal programme that will aid you in securing a Permanent Residence.

Choosing the Right Course:

Explore the importance of aligning your course with your career goals.

Consider factors such as duration, specializations, and university reputation.

Skills Occupation List (SOL) Explained:

Understand how the SOL influences your course selection.

Learn about the demand for specific skills in Australia.

Admissions Strategies: Discover the keys to securing your spot in an Australian university.

Understanding the Australian Admissions Process:

Learn how the Australian admissions system works.

Explore different admission pathways and criteria.

Application Process Demystified:

Break down of the steps involved in applying to Australian universities.

Understand application deadlines and requirements.

Crafting a Winning Application:

Get insider tips on how to create an impressive application.

Highlight your strengths and experiences effectively.

Personal Statements: How to write compelling personal statements that stand out.

The Power of a Personal Statement:

Understand the significance of a personal statement in your application.

Learn how it complements your CV and references.

Structuring Your Personal Statement:

Discover effective structures and formats for personal statements.

Craft a narrative that showcases your unique qualities and experiences.

Editing and Refining:

Tips for editing and refining your personal statement for maximum impact.

Ensuring your statement is error-free and engaging.

Visa Application Mastery: Navigate the visa application process with confidence.

Introduction to Australian Student Visas:

Learn about the visa requirements and how to stand better chances of securing yours.

Understand what Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) means, and how to demonstrate your genuine intention to study in Australia.

Understand the importance of visa compliance.

Step-by-Step Visa Application:

Navigate the visa application process.

Understand the documentation and evidence required.

Common Visa Application Errors:

Identify and avoid common mistakes that can lead to visa rejections.

Ensure your application meets the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement.

By the end of this Masterclass, you will:

Have a clear understanding of the key strategies for securing admission to Australian universities.

Know how to align your course selection with your career goals using the Skills Occupation List.

Be equipped to craft a compelling personal statement and satisfy the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement.

Be confident in navigating the Australian student visa application process.

Meet Your Instructor

Flora Ikpen is an International Education Consultant with over 5 years of experience helping international students achieve their study abroad and relocation dreams. She holds an MBA degree from a prestigious University in the USA, and is an international student in a reputable university in the UK, currently studying Master of Business Analytics.

Flora began her career in the international education industry with an Australian educational consultancy firm where she functioned as the Senior Student Recruitment Officer and the GTE Officer. During her time, the firm achieved unparalleled success, boasting the highest number of visa grants in a single intake. Her dedication led to her promotion as the GTE Officer, cementing her reputation as a standout in the field.

She is the Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Arolf International Consult, an international education consultancy firm that has been the catalyst for hundreds of students and their families to successfully relocate to Australia, Germany, the UK, and the USA through educational pathways. What sets Arolf apart is its extraordinary success rate, exceeding an impressive 98%. Within just 12 months, Arolf facilitated over 200 visa grants, a testament to the team’s unwavering commitment to their clients’ aspirations.

Flora’s passion goes beyond her professional endeavors; it’s a driving force behind Arolf International Consult’s mission. She firmly believes in opening doors to quality education and global opportunities for Africans. Her commitment to this cause is not only evident in the exceptional work of her consultancy, but also in the events and initiatives she organises to support aspiring students on their journeys.

Beyond her professional achievements, Flora enriches her life and broadens her perspective by travelling around the globe. Her love for travel fuels her understanding of diverse cultures, fostering a unique empathy that she channels into her work.

Flora Ikpen is not just an International Education Consultant; she is the embodiment of a transformative global education experience. With her as your guide, your dreams of studying abroad and embarking on a life-changing adventure become not just possible, but inevitable. Join Flora on this exciting journey to unlock the doors to a world of educational excellence and global opportunities.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey that will shape your future, broaden your horizons, and open doors you never thought possible? Register now, and let’s begin this extraordinary adventure together.

Your future in Australia awaits. It’s time to make it happen.

  • Time : 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (UTC+0)
  • Registration Deadline : September 29, 2023 12:00 pm